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Fixed Mudguards

We stock a range of fixed mudguards to suit just about any bike of any wheel size. Because who want’s to get dirty puddle water on them when they ride!

Fixed mudguards are often called bicycle fenders, as they often wrap most of the wheel. This style of bicycle mudguard is better left on your bike as a permanent addition. So you will generally find these types of guards are more expensive too. And of course they will be made of stronger stuff than a ‘clip on’ style guard.


Steel Bicycle Mudguards or plastic?


Fixed mudguards can be made of truly tough stuff like stainless steel, however these aren’t too common. While it’s tempting to put extra sturdy gear on your bike at all times, there are other considerations too. Probably the most important thing to consider with a full fender fixed mudguard is riding over sticks. If you ride over a stick on your bike it can be flung up at your wheel. A common cycling experience, however if you are running fenders it can get caught. Getting caught between the mudguard and the tyre as the wheel is turning, we would hope the stick finds its way free. However it can happen that it jams the wheel if your mudguards are super tough. Having a nice pliable plastic guard means the guard can be the path of least resistance and break rather than jam your wheel.

Now that’s just one consideration when it comes to steel bike fenders. And it’s a small situation so if you want cool as hell guards you go right ahead. The steel guards we stock in our warehouse are generally for a vintage bike. And vintage bikes aren’t usually being ridden off road where this kind of situation arises!

Fixed guards are nonetheless an excellent addition to a commuter bike. And leaving them on your bike all year is perfectly fine. Plastic guards are lightweight and when fitted correctly they aren’t going anywhere. They will make it ever so slightly more difficult to change a tube when you have to, but this is a small price to pay!

If you are unsure which fixed mudguard set will fit on your bike, or just not sure whether you need one, get in touch. We stock and fit mudguards in our Abbotsford Cycles bike shop, so we know guards.