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We stock trusted brands in the bike industry so that you can order with confidence; Kool Strop, KMC, Busch+Muller, Stronglight, Sturmey Archer & more.

We know that buying components & accessories for your bike can be difficult to navigate online.

So we have organised our products by the big names in the cycling industry so that you know that you are buying a quality product.

Who are the big brands in bikes?

The brands that we stock in our warehouse are brands that we will happily recommend to you in our workshop as well. In fact brands like KMC & Busch+Muller are some of the best brands you can find & we wouldn’t recommend any others!

KMC for example are manufacturers of some of the best quality chains in the world. We fit these chains to bicycles in our workshop in Richmond every day, because they are durable & reliable. And of course they come in every speed & colour & price point!

Just like KMC make excellent bike chains, we also stock brands that make that quality accessories for your bike like Busch+Muller lighting & mirrors. Again these are brands that we know & trust from years of stocking & fitting them to bikes in our bicycle repair shop in Richmond. We recommend these brands as you will find they are affordable & make a quality & reliable product.

Reliability is important when it comes to bicycle parts & components on your bike. Because so many components are ‘wearable’ on your bike, you won’t want to be replacing them unnecessarily. And we don’t want that either!

So we will always encourage you to consider manufcatrers like Kool Stop for your brake pads & Stronglight for chain rings for their durability. And Kool Stop in particular are an excellent brand to choose for replacing your bikes brake pads. As they are specifically an OEM manufacturer who specialize in brake pads, you will find them higher quality