12 Speed Chains

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Showing all 12 results

12 Speed Chains

Looking for 12 speed chains? You’ve come to the right place. We stock the big names in chains in our Melbourne Warehouse, from KMC to Clarkes.

When is it time for a new chain?

Your chain is obviously an integral part of your bike’s functionality. And that’s why it can be so frustrating when it breaks or you need to replace it.

You will likely find yourself needing to replace cheaper quality chains more often. But there are other reasons your bike may be chewing through chains. If you are like so many of us and mostly ride your bike in just a few gears or cogs, this can be a problem. When you are riding in the same few cogs on your cassette, your chain & cogs will wear. And then when you go to shift in to another gear, the chain will catch or not shift properly. This happens because the chain & cogs have worn themselves a nice little groove, and they no longer match the other cogs. So a great solution for this is for you to change your gears often when riding. Even if it feels like you won’t be getting any benefit from it. You will find your chain & cassette will last longer when you are more evenly wearing through your cassette.

And of course a big factor in chain life is maintenance of the pins & rollers. Keeping your chain lubricated & clean is the best way to prolong its life. Putting pressure on a chain that is dry & squeaking is more likely to cause it to break. Like all good mechanical things, your chain benefits from lubrication. Following the golden rule of ‘if you can hear it, lube it’ is a good idea.