Rear Wheels

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Showing all 29 results

700c/29er Rear Wheels

Looking for Rear Wheels? You’ve come to the right place. We have hundreds of bicycle wheels in our warehouse.

If you are looking for an upgrade to your bike, or just think your wheels have been through a lot, check out our range.

We can help you find a replacement or an upgrade for your bike. Because upgrading your wheels will always make your bike feel like new again.

Our wheels are machine built in Melbourne, and our warehouse builds every day. So if you need a new bike wheel now, we’re your best bet! We also have an exceptionally large range. So you will be sure to find a match for your bike in our warehouse.

And if you are having trouble navigating the range of options on our site, get in touch with us at Abbotsford Cycles.

Choosing the right wheel for your bike will have you in a tailspin if you haven’t done it before. There are many things to account for and it can be hard to know what you need.

Matching the specs on your bike will be the first place to start. But if you aren’t sure of the exact measurements of your hub or rim then this can be hard.

But we can help! Get in touch with us friendly folks at Abbotsford Cycles any time.